
Problem Type Verifiable in P time Solvable in P time
P Yes Yes
NP Yes Yes or No *
NP-Complete Yes Unknown
NP-Hard Yes or No** Unknown ***
  • Increasing Difficulty
  • * An NP problem that is also P is solvable in P time.
  • ** An NP-Hard problem that is also NP-Complete is verifiable in P time.
  • *** NP-Complete problems (all of which form a subset of NP-hard) might be. The rest of NP hard is not.

computer science - What are the differences between NP, NP-Complete and NP-Hard? - Stack Overflow


  1. 能在多项式时间内解决


  1. 无法确定是否能在多项式时间内解决
  2. 能够在多项式时间内验证


  • 它是一个NP问题
    • 无法确定是否能在多项式时间内解决
    • 能够在多项式时间内验证
  • 其他所有属于NP的问题都可以规约成它


  • 不一定是一个NP问题
  • 所有的NP问题都能约化到它

浅谈P、NP、NP-Complate和NP-Hard问题 - 知乎 (